What a great birthday!! Yesterday, as you all know, Corbin turned 6 years old, and he celebrated today with a birthday party at PumpItUp...with a theme of Harry Potter! (one of me and Corbin's favorites!) He had lots of friends show up, both old and new! Everyone had a blast!!!
Above is a few of the friends that showed up...but there were more!

The birthday boy in his Harry Potter shirt with his lil bro and cousin, Seth!




Already looking sweaty. I have over 100 pics of the event, but feel weird posting other peoples kids...except the normal ones I always post ;)

Here is Carter, Gage, Emma and/or Ella having a serious conversation.

Corbin had tons of friends come to his birthday and they were all wanting ALL of Corbin to play with! Lil man is pretty popular!

Birthday buddies. The ONLY time of year that they see each other twice in one week. :)

With 20 kids and parents at the party...I think I saw Sethie-toot about 5 times...but he seemed to be having lots of fun!

Okay...Corbin loves cookie cake, so I got a big Harry Potter one. Then, I panicked thinking there wouldnt' be enough so I got Transformer cupcakes for extra. Practically every kid wanted the cupcakes leaving us with TONS of cookie to bring home!! Fine by me...but my pants won't fit by the end of the week! :)

Happy Birthday!!!

Lincoln, Gage and every other kid there was pretty thirsty after bouncing around for 80 minutes!


Carter. Carter's daddy brought him this year and I'm pretty impressed the poor guy lasted the whole party...not only that...He got Corbin (by himself) a super cool gift!! Good Job Kris!

Our lil man made us so proud today. He is such a good kid and so kind to all of his friends. This day was super special to him (and us) and we are so glad all his good friends could make it.

Corbin and Gage with some of the loot!

For favors this year, I made labels that say "Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans" from Harry Potter and put Jelly Belly's in the containers. Big hit...and most of them are yummy too! (except buttered popcorn. ew...I did see some half chewed ones all over the floor of the party room too!)
THANK YOU EVERYONE & A HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my not-so-little baby!! Mommy loves you!
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