About a month ago, Corbin mentioned to Michael that he wanted to go fishing in the ocean, so we decided, before school started that we would take a mini-vacation to Galveston! We left on Wednesday and got there right after lunch. We were out of the hotel within 15 minutes of getting there and heading across the street to the beach!!

When driving up and seeing the ocean, Gage said "Look! The waves are on!" He then continued to call it a "wave pool" for most of the trip. :) After getting salt water in their eyes and mouths, the boys opted for the hotel pool for most of our vacation.

Later that night, we grabbed a pizza and went fishing. Here is Corbin with his net to try to catch crab. (no such luck)

Gagey all ready to catch whatever came at him! :)

Here is the lone fish...a baby catfish that Corbin caught. It was ticked and drew blood on Michael.

Gage lasted about 10 minutes fishing, so mommy took him to the beach to wade in the water.

UGH....UGH...UGH. The next morning, at the butt crack of dawn, we headed to a boat to go bay fishing for 4 HOURS!!! The boys got bored fairly quickly, mommy was incredibly seasick the whole time and Michael caught one flippin catfish. This adventure is now on the top of my list of "Things I will NEVER do again"

Here is the reason I went bay fishing though...precious boy.

Corbin checking out the dolphins.

The boys loved watching all the huge boats and ships when our boat was heading to and from the fishing sites.

At about this point, I was very very happy to be getting off this effing boat. Our pier we were docked at wasn't too far away from the cruise ship in this picture.

Since I was still feeling kinda icky (2 hours) after the boat ride, I decided that seafood would be ok for lunch. Anyone that knows me knows that I HATE seafood. I was good by the time we ordered though so I got a sandwich that had this awesome orange bread with poppy seeds on it. Don't know what it was but it was YUM YUM! The boys and Michael had some fish and chips. :)

We ate on the patio at Fish Tales and had an amazing view of the beach.

Gagey wanted a picture of him with the beach, but instead I got him with the hotel in the background that was still messed up from Hurricane Ike damage.

Standing in front of the restaurant at a little boat sandbox.

At about 4:30pm, when it was still super hot out, we decided to rent a bike to ride around on. Michael and I were peddlers and the boys got to sit in the very front. We were completely exhausted and dripping with sweat after about 10 minutes, and then found out that Michael forgot to take off the emergency break. We were rolling after that and lasted about 45 minutes of our 1 1/2 hour rental. :)

Dinner, of course, was at the Rainforest Cafe! Michael and I got a couple of (well-deserved) margaritas while we waited for our seats.

Picture opportunities were everywhere around this place, so here are the two best pictures!

We left Friday morning, and were in Madisonville by lunch, so we stopped at Buc-ee's for some food, gas and bathroom breaks! This place was so cute and had the nicest bathrooms I have ever been in.
We got home and I was so excited that we were all out of that little hotel room and everyone was going to be in their own bedrooms that night...then our air conditioning went out and we all had to stay in one bedroom around a portable a/c unit. Oh well! Michael was able to fix it by Saturday afternoon!
Fun times!!! Now it's time to get Corbin all ready and organized for kindergarten next week. :(
Stay tuned...