I'm a little slow at blogging these days...but still wanted to share! We went on our annual trip to the Ft Worth Zoo last Tuesday...and the boys had a blast! The weather was super nice when we got there, so the animals were all out and playing around. It wasn't that crowded either. Perfect day for the zoo...
Whoa! The Museum of Living Art was really cool!!
The boys favorite part...feeding the birds! (I have about a million pics of feeding the birds!)
Good times at the zoo!! The boys are really looking forward to the waterpark this week!! Stay tuned!!
Corbin was so excited when he lost his first tooth! He couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to get his tooth and get his reward!!! He put his teeny tiny tooth in an envelope (just in case it got lost for the third time that day under his pillow) and asked me to write her a little message on the outside. He told me what to write word for word.
Tooth Fairy, This is my baby tooth and I hope you keep it safe. Love, Corbin
Of course the tooth fairy had to give him a sweet lil note back...
...and she rolled the reward for his tooth inside the letter and this was found under his pillow (at 2am in the morning, when he took it out and went to sleep in our room, waking Michael up in the morning to open it.) The tooth fairy made the whole experience special for Gage too by covering his bed in fairy dust!!! Gage was so excited and won't stop pulling on his teeth and asking me if they are loose yet.
The boys can't wait for many more visits from the tooth fairy...but I can. I was so sad holding that tiny tooth in my hand. Corbin, I swear, grows an inch every day! He's getting to look so big and seeing this, I keep thinking it was just the other day that I felt his tiny fingers grasped around mine trying to walk around the house.
First day of kindergarten is going to be a friggin nightmare for mommy.
Big news today!! My baby lost his first baby tooth!! As you can see...it was past due to be lost. (the other one is already coming in) Poor thing is probably going to have my crooked teeth...but lil man is super excited and can't wait for the tooth fairy tonight!! I have mixed emotions on this. Part of me was so sad, because he is growing up way too quickly...and the other part was overjoyed for him...he was so excited!
Before the tooth came out today, we had headed over to Celebration Park to the splashpad for some outdoor fun!!
Corbin got busy right away...made a few friends...
Gage, at first, wasn't really feeling the whole "getting wet" thing and wanted to monkey around. (I have no clue what Corbin is doing...he doesn't remember either.)
I knew it would be busy on a Friday at this park, but I had NO IDEA how crazy it was going to be. I wasn't bothered with the school district that brought 3 different (elementary) grade levels to the park...but was super annoyed with the fact that a middle school brought their students!!! The kids were way too big to be on the playground and splash pad! Can't figure out the reasoning behind it...but oh well! My kids were some of the few that didn't get bulldozed...
Okay...I put this picture (above) to show Gagey.. Doesn't it look like he's busting out with a move from Michael Jackson's "Thriller"??
Seriously...I swear...I feed them tons. (of course, they usually don't eat what I feed them...but they get plenty of snack foods to keep them going!)
Corbin is getting much braver with the water...thank goodness. They won't get to do swim lessons until mid-July this year :( Mommy has summer school.
Eating our park picnic lunch...as usual.
Gagey putting on his own sunblock. He's gotten a lot more independent these days. He wants to pick out his own (crazy) clothes and likes to do almost everything by himself.
Today was an awesome day! Big step for Corbin, losing his first tooth. We celebrated with frozen yogurt and a trip to the outlet mall! (Since Gage was feeling a little left out with the tooth thing, I got him some shorts and a shirt and he picked out new Crocs) The park was a lot of fun too...even among the crowd! I don't have as many pics of Corbin as Gage because Corbin was way too busy playing with friends...and Gage just wanted me to play with him. He has days where he'll play with other people and days where he gets kinda shy. It's going to be interesting on how he reacts when Corbin goes to school in the fall. :(
We headed out to Bonham yesterday to celebrate Pop's Birthday!! Food was yummy, Pop was happy and the boys had a blast playing with Mr. Seth!
Mr. Seth forgot about "crazy camera" Aunt Shawna and actually looked at the camera a few times!! My boys...not so much.
My lil monkey hanging from a tree...with a helping hand from the birthday boy man.
Seth's helmet looks a little like Gage's so when Gage brought his around...Seth nearly imploded thinking Gage stole it.
Riding the motorcyle around is the favorite thing to do at Pop's.
Just to show you how fast it goes...Corbin is running after Gage...and keeping up!
Gage kept insisting that Pop make his go faster.
Corbin loves riding too...but Gage is going to be the one I always have trouble getting off.
My absolute favorite picture of Sethie-toot! He was a little ticked he couldn't ride first, so he's not smiling...but I think it turned out cuter this way than if he was smiling!
My precious lil man helping his cousin!
That is one cute kid!
Seth on the motorcycle. I completely missed the whole "Seth-flying-too fast-without-turning-the-corner" picture! Pop had to grab him off the motorcycle! It was hilarious!
After lunch, it was time to play in a huge sand pile. Pop and Mimi live next to a golf course and they were fixing the sand thingys? Anyway, fun times!! Seth took off his clothes because he kept getting sand on them. ;)
Lincoln came to visit for a while tonight while Uncle Joey and Aunt Michelle went to the movies! One of his favorite things to do is go up and down and up and down and up and down the ladder! This super fun game lasted about 35 minutes!!!
"Come on Gage!!"
Pretending to take a break...
Aunt Shawna puts the ladder up usually when Lincoln is over unless I'm in the room with him while he plays the "ladder game." Here is Gage teaching Lincoln about how unnecessary the ladder is...sigh.
Gage thinks it's easier getting down than getting up.
Here is a down-low shot of the little stinker...I needed a break by this point. Lincoln loves climbing up the ladder, but rarely wants to climb down...so I get an upper body workout!
The little man that kept me on my toes the whole night!! If Lincoln is the lil stinker...Gage is the ginormous monster stinker!! :)