I took the boys downtown today to snap a few shots and to get them out of the house for a few minutes! It was nice outside and a good chance to play with my camera a little! (especially after such a hectic and overwhelming first week back at school!)

L.O.V.E this one...Gagey is sneaking a peek at his reflection.

Corbin absolutely hates my new camera....can you tell?

Sweet baby.
This picture cracks me up! Look at Corbin's expression :)
This week, like every first week at TWU so far, has been hectic and has left me super exhausted. So far I seem to like all my teachers, and the classes all seem like they are going to be interesting...so we'll see! It's going to be a busy semester!
Preschool for Corbin & Gage has been fine too. Gage gets upset when we drop him off, but 3 teachers have assured me that he does great after we leave. Corbin likes school. His biggest complaints, besides nap time, are "We don't get to play outside for very long!" or "we don't get to play with all the toys very long!" (The classes have schedules, like art time, play time, spanish, storytime, etc) He likes school, but not having to have a structured day. :) I think this will prepare him for the schedules of kindergarten and real school though! :)
1 comment:
I think I remeber Corbin wearing the outfit Gage has on just the other day. They grow up so fast.
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