Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Mommy!
According to the boys...I turned 7 years old today!!! Woo hoo!! :) Except for the having to go to school part of the day...it turned out to be a pretty good birthday! I skipped out of class an hour early and we went to the outlet mall before going out to eat with Mimi, Pop, Shawn, Sarah, and Seth. Since we had to miss a birthday party this weekend for Michael's nephew..I let Corbin pick the restaurant...Shogun! (Good choice lil buddy) Food was great!
Thanks again Mimi and Pop for my new Wii Fit!!
Corbin played photographer on this one... :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Here we are....me and my birthday buddy! Lincoln and I were born on the same day...April 25th...30 years apart! Lil man turns 1 tomorrow and I turn...well, you can do the math yourself! Because of scheduling conflicts, we celebrated our big day tonight by going to eat at Pasado's. You can see more pics on Lincolns blog. Pics may be slightly out of order...
Gagey. He was wondering when the cake would be out the whole time.
Pretty green-eyed boy with pretty...blue teeth!
Finger-lickin' good!
Tinker-toot and his mommy. (geez...I wonder if they look alike?)
"Daddy...I got some blue stuff...on my finger."
The Corpian Fam. (ha ha...if you look real closely or click on the picture...you'll see Joey completely covered in "blue stuff")

Dakota. This picture is old, but I wanted to acknowledge my other birthday buddy on Michael's side of the family...Dakota is turning 7 tomorrow and because of my lovely weekend class...we can't make it. :( We're thinking about you and hope you have a great birthday!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Is it bad...???
Is it bad that the only phrase that my 2 1/2 year old son is singing from The Zac Brown Band's song "Chicken Fried" is the part about beer?
Gagey keeps singing " cold beer on a friday night..." over and over again today.
Hmmm...maybe it's a good thing that our FM radio in the car is messed up right now. (The only station we hear on AM radio is DisneyRadio. :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Just another Manic Monday...
Since I switched my grocery day from Monday's to Sunday's we had a little extra time today and decided that since it was such a pretty day out...we'd head out to the park!! Lil Corbin is taking a break from riding his scooter around the splash pad...which of course, isn't on yet. :) He's such a little "poser" when it comes to pictures. I can't wait for Chelsi to get some good ones of him soon!
Here is my lil wild man, Gage. The sidewalks and concrete weren't dangerous enough for scooter ridin', so he took to the jungle gym. (Where is this boy's mother at?!?!?)
Then there was Seth. He also likes to walk on the danger side of things...from which he usually needs saved. (I had just had to get him off the "big kids" jungle gym, because he didn't realize he was scared of heights until he got up there. ) Anyway, here he is pretending to ride Gage's scooter. :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
He said WHAT?!?!
Do you ever get that feeling that your child is smarter than you...or knows more than you do? Almost daily, Corbin says and does things that make Michael and I wonder...
After I got home from school tonight Michael told me that him and the boys were going to take a walk up to the little convenience store by our house to get some ice cream. (when I was at school) Anyway, when walking out the door, Corbin said "Lets do this with a sense of purpose." (HUH?) Corbin is 4 1/2 years old. I know every parents raves on and on about how smart or beautiful their kids are....but dang...MY CORBIN IS ONE SMART COOKIE!! (and Gagey is a mini-me of his big brother)
P.S. Michael asked Corbin where he heard "sense of purpose." His answer...from Horton Hears a Who. Still....ONE SMART COOKIE! :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
OOPS!...(okay BIG OOPS)
Okay...so Michael warned me that this happened last night with Gagey...but I forgot and sent the kids to play on the side of the house anyway. I found them like this...and instead of rushing to get them down...I grabbed the camera. (Hey...this is more than a pic of them doing something dangerous...but a pick of them GETTING ALONG while doing something dangerous. That is rare these days. Gage and Seth are best frenemies)
That's better...for now. (I'm pretty sure the ladder is too heavy to pick up)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Our Easter Weekend
Our holiday officially started out on Saturday. Since it was such a pretty day out...Michael had the boys out on their bikes. Doesn't Gagey look thrilled that I'm taking his picture?
Michael is trying to get Corbin to take off the training wheels and start practicing on just 2 wheels...but Corbin isn't quite ready for that yet. :)
Saturday night was Easter with the Corpians!
Linc-a-doo and his lollipop!
After dinner, the boys started decorating Easter eggs. (Gages face is filthy from helping daddy in the garage beforehand. I didn't bother cleaning him up before the Easter egg mess!)
Some of the finished eggs after the boys dyed them. They did a really great job this year!(By great job..I mean that no eggs were smashed...just slightly cracked.)
After the eggs dried, Corbin started decorating them with stickers. Gage was not interested in this part. I think at this time, he was in the bedroom eating a frozen gogurt with daddy.
Random picture...but I thought that the gifts from Aunt 'chele, lincoln and joey were cute in front of the Easter bunny pics!
Here is what the boys saw first thing in the morning!
I L.O.V.E. this pic!! Gage was rudely woken up by Corbin this morning and wasn't loving having to pose for a pic in their new fireman outfit from the Easter bunny. Although my camera took a HORRIBLE picture....I thought the faces on the boys were priceless!
Sunday morning was off to church and then over to Aunt Sarah's for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. Aunt Sarah didn't disappoint in the egg department! Here is Corbin posing with his bag of eggs he found. (I think we'll get Aunt Sarah to foot the bill to the dentist.) hee hee.
Sethie eating his eggs. He didn't bother to find as many eggs as possible. He would find an egg and open up and eat the prize.
Gagey with his eggs. (Excuse my horrible picture taking skills...not only do I take bad pics..but the camera never wants to cooperate either.)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Park Time
Totally forgot to post these pics of the boys at the park on Thursday! Seth and Corbin probably went down this slide about 100 times!
Gagey digging in the sand.
Since the City of Allen were cleaning the pavilion at the park...we headed to Aunt Sarah's backyard to eat our picnic. Here the boys are in the backyard. I was contemplating keeping them caged for the remainder of the afternoon. :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Bunny House!
The masterpiece! Tonight Corbin, Gage and I decided to make a bunny house that we got at Target! Boys had a lot of fun decorating the house and even more fun eating the extra candies!
I tried to get a picture with both boys and the finished house but Corbin got upset because he thought he was going to eat the house after decorating it.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tickle Tactic
The boys figure if they tuck into a little ball...it would be harder for me to tickle them. We were playing a goofy game where they would say something silly and I would run and tickle them for saying it. EVERY TIME they would assume this position. I especially love Gagey in this picture peeking out to see if I was about to get them...
Corbin wasn't really upset in this picture...he was trying to make a funny face or something because I told them to "strike a pose"
The boys are headed to the motorcycle track with daddy for the weekend and mommy has no idea what to do with herself! (I have to stay because of my weekend class I'm taking) Anyway, I'm planning on getting a TON of homework done and maybe rent a movie or something.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What is wrong with this picture???
Okay...so on our way home from The Colony today...I figured I would stop by the mall and get the boys picture with the Easter Bunny. For about a month now Gagey has been telling me that he will not be scared of the Easter Bunny this year. (For those of you who don't remember last years Bunny picture...I also had to sit in it with a terrified Gage) Anyway, he was super excited all through the mall, but the minute he saw the oversized bunny...he freaked out! He wanted nothing to do with the bunny. I begged, pleaded and bribed him with candy and toys...but there was no way he was going to sit near the bunny. He wouldnt' even sit next to Corbin who was sitting next to the bunny. $21 for a picture with the Easter Bunny and one of my sons (who has been waiting for weeks to see him) is missing out of the picture!
Well at least Corbin got his picture and a high five from the Easter Bunny....it's a good picture too. (The one you see above is a picture of the picture...so its not good...but the actual picture is precious)
Afterwards I caught Gage waving to the bunny from the mall play area and yelling..."I don't want to sit in your lap today!" Too cute...