No...we didn't really go to Bass Pro Shop because Michael wanted to on Father's Day. Michael was meeting up with someone who bought a motorcycle from him and he picked this place to meet him at...which was great, because the boys got to see some pretty cool stuff!!

Here they are in the horrible heat, checking out the fish pond outside...the really cool thing about this place was that it was right on the lake...

Now they are checking out the fish inside.

The Mother of all Catfish...this thing was HUGE! (you will notice the boys have sonic cups in almost every picture...I told them if they wanted a drink from Sonic, they were required to carry it the whole time until it was empty or they were done drinking it. :) )

itty bitty Corbin next to a gigantic stuffed bear. (pics suck thanks to the old crappy camera)

Sweet boys.
Sick of me by this time. I was trying to get a decent pic of both of them together...just didn't work. Oh well...maybe next time.
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