#1: This is my final year of actual academics...this time next year I'll be a student teacher! This is going to be a hard year for school...but it's exciting because it's starting to feel like there is an end!

#2: Six years of marriage this month!

#3 & #4: Two very special boys share my birthday! My age doesn't matter, but Mr. Stinker-tot(Lincoln) will turn 2 this year and Mr. Dakota will turn 8! I always look forward to celebrating birthdays! (well other people's birthdays) ;)

#5: Our first family trip to Wisconsin will be this summer. This will be the first time many of my relatives will meet my boys!

#6: My precious baby boy will turn 4 this year...can't say I'm really looking forward to him getting older, but that just means he's healthy and growing...which I'm happy about! :)

#7: Another special party to look forward to...Sethie-toot turns 3 this year!

#8 & #9: Corbin will turn 6 this year &...go to kindergarten! Excited about #8 but absolutely dreading (#9)the first day of kindergarten...I'm going to be a mess!

#10: Another special lil man, Blane will turn 5 this year.
So many birthday parties to look forward to...and I didn't even count all the friends' birthday parties! (Fun!) Hoping 2010 is a great year for everyone!!
XOXOX, Shawna
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