Two cute!!
Yes, in case you're wondering...she asked for the moose!
So, I was finishing up the final touches on my latest teacher sign, and I noticed the boys were being pretty quiet. I had just given them popsicles, so this made me a little nervous, because they were unusually quiet. I found them sitting in the entryway of the laundry room sitting in a laundry basket. They had pillows and blankets in there like it was a little bed...eating their popsicles. Considering all the fighting they had been doing lately...I thought this was a perfect "brother moment" and got out the camera!
Hey! I haven't forgotten about sending an e-mail out to the faculty at my school. I plan on doing it early next week, and if they want to see an example I will direct them to the example outside my classroom door.
The moose turned out great. I'm glad you didn't come look at my bench b/c it was a bear not a moose.
The boys look too cute in the basket!!
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