As all of you know, I got a job and am now working full time at a daycare which means Corbin and Gage are going to school! So far the first couple days have been good. I was nervous, but the boys did way better than to be expected. Corbin even told me on the way this morning that I could just leave him when we got there....he knew where to go. Gagey informed me at school that "my fun" which means he's having fun. Gage's teacher also told me that Gage saw Corbin today and said "MY CORBIN!". Very cute. HEre is a pic of them bright and early in the morning...I think it was about 6am so the picture is a little fuzzy due to sleep deprivation on my part.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
4 days ago
Such big boys!
I'll bet you're worn out! I want to hear all about it!
YOU HAVE NO IDEA how worn out I am. I'm really starting to worry about when classes start in the fall...
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