This is what the boys woke up to this morning! Santa thought they were really good this year! Corbin & Gage got pretty much everything on their list plus some! So far, they haven't remembered the couple things that were left off. They are happy campers!

After opening presents, Michael took the boys out to enjoy the little snow we got before it was gone. Corbin liked throwing snow balls...

...and Gagey liked to shovel!

I decided not to take pics while they were opening presents from Santa this year because when I did last year, I was so busy taking pics, I couldn't really watch them open them and see their reactions..if that makes any sense. I promise to take some in the coming days so everyone can see more of their loot! :) Above is Gagey in his Transformer costume! (can't remember if he's making a mean Transformer face, or if he's ticked I made him take a picture)

Here is Corbin dressed in his Bakugan costume.

After naptime, it was time for the Corpian Family Christmas. Corbin & Gage opened presents the minute Michelle, Joey and Lincoln showed up with them! Corbin was happy he got his Bop It! ...

...and Gage was super excited about his Uno MOO! game. This game was listed on both their Santa lists and Corbin has now said that he's going to put his name on it when Gage isn't looking. I think we played it 20 times tonight!

Lincoln opened his presents from us not really giving a hoot about them. He opened the first one, a Mickey Mouse ClubHouse DVD and set it on the floor...the second present was a Clipo Creativity table and you can tell by this pic that he has no clue what it is. He did play with it quite a bit though once I got it out! :)

Here all 3 boys are playing with Corbin & Gagey's gifts from Gammy...Playschool Pyramid for Corbin and a Playschool Castle for Gage.

Lincoln decided to sit inside Gage's castle and play for a while. So cute! Two seconds after I took this pic (of course) Lincoln looked at me and yelled "CHEESE!"

Corbin & Uncle Jared playing Mario Kart. Uncle Jared and Corbin played together most of the night! Thanks Uncle Jared!
Overall, the boys had a great Christmas! Mommy is super tired, but I'm so relieved that Corbin and Gage loved all their presents...even the one from Mommy and Daddy that mommy found out about right before bed last night...Red Ryder BB Guns (and safety glasses)! I had a "no guns until they are at least 14 rule" but I guess daddy thought that it didn't apply to BB guns.
Merry Christmas Everyone!