Hello! I almost never post on this blog anymore. I keep thinking I will do it and then never get around to it. :/ I have also been really horrible at getting my big camera out lately and taking pictures. I'm not going to lie. Things are busy around here. So...I thought I would send some of my iphone pics and tell everyone what's been happening with the boys. Above is a pic I took when Gage was out sick last week with a little bug. Dumb fever kept him out of school for two days...but it didn't stop him from playing with his motorcycles!

Corbin. I'm pretty sure this pic is pretty old...but it's super cute. ;) Corbin somehow missed the sickness...but barely I think. He had all the signs and symptoms of Gage's sickness...even before Gage did...but never a fever! I think it's the high immunity from all the times he was sick last year in kindergarten!

Gage's very first best friend moved away this last week. :( So, so sad. Our precious neighbor and her family moved to another state. They were the perfect little friends and Gage is really going to miss her. I'm going to miss her sweet little family too. It's tough on a 5 year old when someone he plays with almost every day is gone. Thank goodness for Facebook and Facetime!

On another sad note...we went to SuperCross recently and our most favorite racer was injured...so bad that he won't be back until 2013. Gage got all dressed up in his motorcyle gear and made some "crunchers" (crutches)...and said "LOOK MOM! I"M CHAD REED!"
Gage and I also got matching Chad Reed t-shirts at the race...will get a pic soon. ;)

We finally got around to getting library cards for the boys..their very own!!! They were so excited and can't wait for the next trip back to the library. I still have trouble with the fact that they can both read now! Proud mom!

Corbin started Jujitsu (sp?) this past month! He goes a couple times a week and is LOVING.IT!! He has a wonderful teacher and is learning all sorts of stuff! I am happy he's having fun and I think his teacher is fantastic. She's actually teaching me a few classroom management skills I can use. ;)
So...that's about it. Our last month or so in one blog entry! So sad.
Stay tuned...or at least check back in a couple weeks... ha!
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