I took some not.so.great pictures of our Thanksgiving holiday. We had two this year (like every year) Sunday was the Corpian Family Thanksgiving. I figured instead of showing the (horrible) pictures, I'd explain something I'm thankful for in each one...Above: I'm thankful for the sweet bond that Lincoln has with his cousins, and vice versa.

I'm thankful for Corbin and his sneaky ways. (He was hiding from the younger boys and was telling me to hush at the moment while he played video games.)

I'm thankful that I captured this first for Lincoln...his first time holding an earthworm.

no words to express how thankful I am for this sweet boy...


Thursday afternoon was the Nicholson Family Thanksgiving. Above: I'm thankful that Mammaw (on right, holding Slade) was able to come visit the boys! (sorry Michael, Shawn and Sarah...this is my only pic of Mammaw)

I'm thankful for Gage. (again no words can express how much.) I'm also thankful that he was feeling better after a really rough morning.

I'm thankful for how well these two brothers have been playing together lately.

I'm thankful that Corbin can control his level of frustration with Seth. :)
(Sethie toot was causing some problems during the air hockey game)

I'm thankful for Seth, and his crazy ways. (He just finished whopping me with the noodle.)

See my jacket hood in this picture...right above??? I'm thankful that my jacket is still in one piece after the candle incident. Yes, it may be drenched in candle wax, but at least it didn't go up in flames.

I'm thankful for Slade, and thankful he was able to get the good formula before his belly got really bad. :(

I'm mostly thankful for all the smiles this week! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
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