So...we had a classroom visitor last weekend. It was Gage's turn to bring his class mascot BUSY BEE home for a visit!! Gagey introduced Busy to his two pillow pet friends...SPOT and DOT.

Busy Bee got his own pallet for movie night. I think he really enjoyed the showing of Spy Kids 4.

The boys and Busy...hanging out.

Gage and Busy helped (well...watched) make dinner.

Busy had watched Gage paint the canvas to the left of him, so I thought it would be a good photo op for the classroom journal. ;)

Last year when Corbin had Busy for the weekend...we took Busy to the racetrack! This year I told Gage that it would be best if Busy and I hung out at home, so we snapped this pic before he left. (I was so paranoid last year that I would end up having to replace the pillow pet ;)]

These kinder kids REALLY like their classroom mascots! Doesn't Gage look proud? (even though he doesn't realize that Busy is facing the wrong direction?...that's ok. I didn't either.)

You can't tell from this pic, but I found some super cute stickers that actually said Busy Bee on them...so I created a new classroom journal for Busy Bee! (I forgot to take a pic of the finished product!)
Anyway... it's kind of sad to think that Busy was here for the last time :( Corbin even played with him for a while and introduced him to his "Big Busy Bee". So sweet.
Until next time...