Well the spring season of sports is finally coming to an end. Gage has his last t-ball game this Saturday. Above is the picture with his team! Is it not precious?!? Gage is the one on the bottom row holding the two bats. :) So cute!!!!

Only about 1/2 of Corbin's team showed up for pics after they were rescheduled because of weather...I personally think the photographer could have taken the other kids name off the soccer ball...but whatever. My baby still looks cute...even with the fake smile. ;)

Yesterday, instead of having practice for his last t-ball game...the Red Sox had a party instead! It was at the park and the boys couldn't get enough of the pond and baby ducks. Lincoln got to come along with us for the first few minutes of the party since I was babysitting him. :)

Corbin waiting patiently for the cupcake part of the party!

Gage with his t-ball trophy and baseball shirt! He is so PROUD of his trophy. He's been asking about it for weeks and is so happy he finally got it!!!
Having two kids in sports is CHAOTIC, but they have so much fun, it's all worth it!! I'm super happy it's summer though and we get the little break before fall season starts!
Until next time...