Merry Christmas! Don't the boys look adorable in their matching Grinch jammies?!? They were pretty excited and actually allowed me to take a posed pic of them right before heading to bed on Christmas Eve! Gage fell asleep fairly quickly...but Corbin was awake until about 11-1130pm!

The boys set out Santas favorite...cookies and chocolate milk!

Here is the before picture. Don't you just love my lopsided tree? I could have cared less and I also had the boys put on 90% of the ornaments by themselves...and I didn't even care if they were jumbled together. ;)

This was the after picture...at about midnight. The kids were good this year!

Stockings! They each got a new ipod touch cover for their ipod touches! Gage has a Perry one (from Phineaus and Ferb) and Corbin got a Captain America one.

Santa drank all the milk and the funny guy only ate 1 cookie and put the other one back in the cookie container...he must have been already stuffed full of sweets!

Ok...I have some issues with elves/tinkertoy makers! PLASTIC tinker toys?!?! Are you friggin kidding me? They are super expensive and are suppose to be made out of WOOD!

Corbin and GAge got the new Wii game SkyLanders for Christmas! Corbin immediately became addicted. GAmmy was nice enough to give us her old TV. Since we didn't have a stand for it, I used our coffee table. The next day I tried to rearrange the toyroom to make room for a couch. (so they could sit comfortable while playing) and BAM CRASH BOOM!!!...I broke both the coffee table and TV.

This guy is copying what I did after breaking the coffee table and TV.

OH.MY. LEGOS! The lego contraption on the left took me a little less than 3 hours to make. The lego contraptions on the right...over 3 hours! I basically threatened the boys with their lives and told them they weren't allowed to break them. :)

Of course, Santa always has to bring some sort of craft. Gage's little people are on the left..Corbin's on the right.

Doctor Dreadful is...dreadful. This wasn't Santas dumbest present though...the dumbest one was the Erector sets. The boys were super happy with all their presents though and got so much more than I took pics of!
I'm such a slacker when it comes to pictures and posting lately. I was actually considering shutting down my little blog...until I got a sweet letter from one of my grandmas saying that she loves to look at it. :) I will try to post more...but can't make any promises! HA!
Until next time!